Thursday, December 31, 2009

How'd I Miss this?

I blame the United States Post Office for not bringing me last month's Wired Magazine which had an excellent article on the use of vaccines on children and the possible link to Autism (spectrum disorders). It does not focus on the autism question but instead looks at the debate from a public health standpoint and posits the following: The decision to NOT vaccinate is driven by FEAR and not understanding and, in addition to putting YOUR child at risk, the decision not to vaccinate puts MANY children at risk. The article is told through the lense of a lengthy interview with Dr. Paul Offitt.
While a very important article I have two critiques. One, it was not very balanced. It does children no good to characterize anyone who is concerned about vaccines as kooks and two, the author is not a science writer with a history of covering complicated scientific issues. This leaves her in a position wherein she relies too heavily on her interview subjects and less so on her own understanding and research.
Still...a MUST READ.


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