Thursday, May 31, 2007

Autism One Radio

Check it out. There is an ALL Autism internet radio station called Autism One. Here is there boilerplate
Our message is simple: Our children get better; many fully recover given the proper treatments and therapies. You will hear our message loudly and repeatedly.

Our Children Get Better!

Recovery is not a rumor, or a myth, or a dream; or an article of faith, it is a fact borne of tens of thousands of children who have improved dramatically, many recovered. Our enemies are time and ignorance.

Autism is multivariate in presentation and cure. The disease bows to the collective weight of doctors working with therapists working with educators working with researchers working with parents working to recover their children.

Our hosts include the most knowledgeable autism experts across a variety of fields. Many are also parents of children with autism, a great number recovered or on the road to recovery. Their combination of education, experience, passion, and insight puts theory into practice helping turn difficult questions into real-life answers.

I've sampled some and find it very good. I read about it in Autism Digest.


Monday, May 28, 2007

No More Sodas...

'The Independent' is reporting some spooky new information about sodas. I knew that had a ton of sugar and that the average american eats fifteen POUNDS of suger each year in sodas but I didn't know that sodas cause cell damage. The problem, it seems, is a common preservative known as E211...aka 'sodium benzoate'. In combination with Vitamin C, also found in many soft drinks, it can turn into benzene which is a known carcinogen.
Professor Peter Piper of Sheffield University claims that sodium benzoate by itself can damage and inactivate vital parts of DNA in a cell's mitochondria. "The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it - as happens in a number of diseased states - then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA - Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of aging."

I want to make this clear. There is NOT a link to autism but I have this site to provide a place for people concerned about neurobiological disorders to see new articles on the subject.
It's got me off the sodas:)
